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EN 1.0454 Cast Steel vs. Soda-lime Glass

EN 1.0454 cast steel and soda-lime glass belong to fundamentally different material chemistries. EN 1.0454 cast steel is a metal, while soda-lime glass is a ceramic material. Therefore, their performance will be even more dissimilar than would be suggested by the difference in properties. There are 15 material properties with values for both materials. Properties with values for just one material (20, in this case) are not shown. Please note that the two materials have significantly dissimilar densities. This means that additional care is required when interpreting the data, because some material properties are based on units of mass, while others are based on units of area or volume.

For each property being compared, the top bar is EN 1.0454 cast steel and the bottom bar is soda-lime glass.

Metric UnitsUS Customary Units

Mechanical Properties

Elastic (Young's, Tensile) Modulus, GPa 190
70 to 71
Poisson's Ratio 0.29
Shear Modulus, GPa 73
Tensile Strength: Ultimate (UTS), MPa 550
41 to 180

Thermal Properties

Maximum Temperature: Mechanical, °C 400
Specific Heat Capacity, J/kg-K 470
720 to 800
Thermal Conductivity, W/m-K 53
1.0 to 1.1
Thermal Expansion, µm/m-K 12
8.8 to 9.0

Otherwise Unclassified Properties

Density, g/cm3 7.9

Common Calculations

Stiffness to Weight: Axial, points 13
Stiffness to Weight: Bending, points 24
Strength to Weight: Axial, points 19
4.6 to 20
Strength to Weight: Bending, points 19
11 to 28
Thermal Diffusivity, mm2/s 14
0.51 to 0.6
Thermal Shock Resistance, points 17
4.7 to 20