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EN 1.4109 Stainless Steel vs. ASTM A148 Cast Steel

Both EN 1.4109 stainless steel and ASTM A148 cast steel are iron alloys. There are 30 material properties with values for both materials. Properties with values for just one material (4, in this case) are not shown.

For each property being compared, the top bar is EN 1.4109 stainless steel and the bottom bar is ASTM A148 cast steel.

Metric UnitsUS Customary Units

Mechanical Properties

Brinell Hardness 250
190 to 390
Elastic (Young's, Tensile) Modulus, GPa 200
Elongation at Break, % 19
5.7 to 25
Fatigue Strength, MPa 270
280 to 670
Poisson's Ratio 0.28
Shear Modulus, GPa 76
Tensile Strength: Ultimate (UTS), MPa 770
630 to 1300
Tensile Strength: Yield (Proof), MPa 420
390 to 1160

Thermal Properties

Latent Heat of Fusion, J/g 280
Maximum Temperature: Mechanical, °C 820
400 to 430
Melting Completion (Liquidus), °C 1440
Melting Onset (Solidus), °C 1400
Specific Heat Capacity, J/kg-K 480
Thermal Conductivity, W/m-K 30
37 to 47
Thermal Expansion, µm/m-K 10

Electrical Properties

Electrical Conductivity: Equal Volume, % IACS 2.7
7.3 to 7.5
Electrical Conductivity: Equal Weight (Specific), % IACS 3.1
8.3 to 8.6

Otherwise Unclassified Properties

Base Metal Price, % relative 8.5
2.3 to 3.3
Density, g/cm3 7.7
Embodied Carbon, kg CO2/kg material 2.2
1.5 to 1.7
Embodied Energy, MJ/kg 30
20 to 22
Embodied Water, L/kg 110
48 to 53

Common Calculations

Resilience: Ultimate (Unit Rupture Work), MJ/m3 120
71 to 150
Resilience: Unit (Modulus of Resilience), kJ/m3 460
400 to 3570
Stiffness to Weight: Axial, points 14
Stiffness to Weight: Bending, points 25
Strength to Weight: Axial, points 28
22 to 46
Strength to Weight: Bending, points 24
21 to 34
Thermal Diffusivity, mm2/s 8.1
9.9 to 13
Thermal Shock Resistance, points 28
18 to 38